About Contractor's Duties Technician's Navigation


Site Navigation:
  • Incoming users must first register to create a login account.
  • Registered users are to log in before using the site.
  • The home page displayed the registered contractors.
  • The privacy page explains Techlinking's privacy.
  • The tech page is for searching tech's profile.
  • The customer page is for customers and teches to read Customer's profile.
  • The case page is for customers and teches to search cases.
  • The solution page is for Teches to edit cases by adding solutions and times span.
  • The account page is for creating new techs, customers, cases.
  • The Learning page can be used as a tool for learning.
  • The help page provides site navigation and versioning.
  • The messaging relays messages to Techlinking.org's login users.