About Contractor's Duties Technician's Navigation



Basic Info

Welcome to Techlinking helping page

The site will manage the relationship between contractors and customers.

The site is a solution provider for Registered customers to create cases and for registered technicians to solve customer's cases.

As long an available qualified technician or programmer choose to resolve a customer's' case; A relationship is established between parties until the case is solved.

Case's solution can be provided remotely if a site's visit is not necessarry.

When a technician chooses to work on a case, he is responsible for handling it until it's fully resolved.

Solving a case is to be charged reasonable for a working time frame

Technicians are welcome to share ideas on the site messaging or any third-party messaging sites.

It is forbidden to share private information related to the customers to anyone.

Any misconducts on behalf of the Technicians will be subject to dismissal.

Technicians will be compensated based on the time spent solving a case.

It is required for a contractor to provide a banking and routing account to wire money to their banking account.

Contractors are responsible for providing accurate banking account information for wages compensation; Bank routing and checking account are required for contractor's compensation.